Ever wondered why we’re so keen on KYC documents? At Serene Swap, we’re not just about crypto – we’re committed to top-tier security, stringent AML measures, and the art of truly “Knowing Your Customer.” This isn’t just for us; it’s your fortress against fraud, criminal activity, and more.
In our quest for secure crypto horizons, we’ve crafted three distinct user levels, each with its documentation requirements. While the basics remain the same, the Serene Swap’s Compliance Department may seek additional documents when needed.
With Serene Swap, your journey to the stars comes with layers of security and opportunity.
Proof of Identity is the cornerstone of trust in the crypto world. It’s your digital passport to Serene Swap, and we request a government-issued document to vouch for your identity.
But we don’t stop there!
Proof of Address is your second key to the crypto realm. We ask for an officially issued document to confirm your current residence.
At Serene Swap, we believe trust is built on transparency, and these verification steps help ensure your security in the crypto universe.
But what about those forms, you ask? We’ve made it as easy as an ABC for you.
Signing these forms is a cinch. You can either:
Piece of cake! Here’s how:
At Serene Swap, we believe in making your journey smooth and hassle-free.
Your KYC documents are your gateway to the crypto universe. You can dispatch them to the compliance email address from your registered email or seamlessly upload them to your account.
When it comes to documents, we have an eye for clarity. We accept only full-colour, clear pictures or scans of the original document.
We can’t accept fake, stolen, or tampered IDs, blurred copies, cropped, overexposed documents, or expired ones. No copies of copies, please!
As for Proof of Address (POA), it’s versatile. You can submit it as a copy or even a sleek black-and-white version.